Safed Musli{chlorophutum borivilianum}



Safed Musli{chlorophutum borivilianum}

Safed Musli is a healing plant which is generally used for Sexual Weakness and Impotence. It is most important herb described ayurveda for vigorous. Safed Musli plants are small in size, it generally have white flowers and are grown in scattered panicles up to 120 cm long.

Botanical Name :- Chlorophutum Borivilianum

Health Benefits Of Safed Musli:-

1. Chlorophytum Borivilianum For Diarrhea

                              Chlorophytum borivilianum is used as treatment for general debility. It is used in the treatment for diarrhea and dysentery and as a visualizer for the entire body.The root powder is deep-fried in ghee (clarified butter) and munched to get rid of throat and mouth and infections. It is also used as a remedy for arthritis and is often used as the ingredient in paan in India and Pakistan.

2.Chlorophytum Borivilianum As Herbal Viagra

It is a herb that can boost the immune system. Chlorophytum borivilianum has immunization stimulating properties which can be helpful for overall health. The research done on rat also stated that they found an increases in sperm count within 60 days of regular doses given regular given to the rats.
So they believe that roots of Chlorophytum borivilianum can be useful to cure of certain forms of sexual deficiencies such as premature ejaculation or oligospermia. In other reports, rats have benefited from this plant and shown increased sexual activity and increased libido as well as having a significantly higher sperm increase.
It has been used as a tonic for sexual condition by Indians for centuries, and they believe it is a sex booster for both sexes.

3.Chlorophytum Borivilianum As Antibiotics

Chlorophytum brorivilian roots have Anti-stress and anti-oxidant properties. It have also been conformed in a study performed by Santa Pau & Fernandes and been published in “The Indian J Exp Biol” beside this the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Mumbai University Institute of Chemical Technology also conformed in 2007.
They stated that the sedimentary extract of Safed Musli have found noticeable amount of  triglycerides, cholesterol, serum corticosterone and plasma glucose which can be helpful in decreasing the ulcer index, suprarenal gland and weight more as productively as the standard drug (diazepam) in rats. They stated that Safed Musli can also be used for the treatment of oxidative stress-induced disarrays.

4.Chlorophytum Borivilianum For Diabetes

Chlorophytum brorivilian works as an overall tonic and for its so-called stimulative purposes, the powdered root has to be taken with warm milk. One teaspoon of root powder in a glass of warm milk can be taken in the morning and evening, although once a day is useful as a general health tonic.
It is also used as a treatment for arthritis, rheumatism and joint pain and is said to boost the immune system. It is believed by therapists in Chhattisgarh, India, that if you only eat the leaves of safed musli as a vegetable once in a time of a year, your body will be immune from disease for the whole year.

Other Uses of Safed Musli Powder

  1. It can be entitled the best friend of men’s health. It has a powerful activator agent used for restoring male reproductive system disorders like impotency, low sperm count and premature ejaculation, etc.
  2. The dried roots of Safed Musli or safed musli powder is used for pre-natal and post-natal complaint. Its powder rise lactation in feeding mothers and lactating cows.
  3. The tuber roots of the plant have been used ever since ancient times, to prepared nourishing tonic for sexual impotence and is used in Ayurvedic medicines even this day.
  4. It has antioxidant enzymes and vitamin C which are also a good reason for using this species of herb.
  5. Some research also indicates that this herb can also be helpful in healing of arthritic and certain diabetes conditions.
  6. Its regular use of safed musli powder motives increase in the level of High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL is defined as a good cholesterol) and lower in the plasma and hepatic lipide profiles.
  7. Safed Musli verifies effective as a nourishing tonic for both the mother and the fetus, for the time of pregnancy and is also used to restore the body fluids during the post-partum stage.
  8. Apart from revitalizing the reproductive system, the herb avoids premature ejaculation as well as is also used in chronic leucorrhoea.
  9. It is also considered as an energy booster in asthmatic conditions. Safed musli powder are used to fortify the general immune system of the body.
  10. Safed Musli powder is a very in demand aphrodisiac agent, with no side effects. It is generally prescribed for improving male potency and overcoming signs of fatigue. It is especially used for people with low sperm count and low libido.

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